Alpha 2 - Opposable thumbs

It's another alpha release! Here's some of the major changes:


Adventures just got a whole lot more dangerous! Both heroes and monsters can now take up arms!

Each weapon applies additional damage to attacks, but heavier weapons take longer to recover before you can attack again.


There's not much point in being able to wield weapons, if you can't get at any!

Now you can highlight and select items that have settled in the bag, which will cause the hero to equip that item the next chance he gets.  Hopefully he doesn't get an axe to the face while he's busy rummaging!

More control

I've also added support for gamepads (the DS4, at least!), and more options for controlling with the keyboard, all documented in-game!

...after a fashion.


bagofholding-a2.exe 68 MB
Aug 02, 2023
bagofholding-a2.x86_64 70 MB
Aug 02, 2023 52 MB
Aug 02, 2023

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